It’s a bad feeling when one can’t find their keys. Those keys that lock up and secure your home, gain access to and drive your car. Maybe your work or mail key has just been lost as well. This isn’t only bad because you now have to go on a tedious search for your missing keys but now you’re running late. Nothing like telling your boss the “you lost your keys again” story, or how about being late to take your kids to school? Best Locksmith has a few tips and ideas to help you keep track of your keys and avoid being late again.
Make Keys Glow in the Dark
Here’s an idea for those who have to get up early in the morning or even late at night and you find there is no daylight to help you see your keys. This idea can even help you locate keys better in your purse or if you’ve accidentally dropped them outside. You can paint them with a Glow in the Dark Mod Podge. This will help you see your key in those dark places. This is surprisingly help for a lot of folks.
Make Keys Easy To See
Some will suggest making your keys easy to see. A lot of the times keys get lost in the clutter of our homes, cars, and work places. Along with making them glow, make them bright with color and easy to see. Some ideas are big fluffy key chains with colors that stand out. Look for a keychain that you can live with and big enough to find in the clutter.
Track Your Keys with Your Smartphone
This world of today’s wonderful technology where phones have apps to help us keep track of our schedules, Facebook page, and yes even our keys. Many can’t do without their phones more than their keys. Because of this there is now a clever way to use your phone to find your keys. The tile is a small keychain like device you put on your key. Then you Bluetooth it to your phone. You now can GPS locate your keys.
Make it a Habit to Check Location of Keys
Creating a habit is big one when keeping track of your keys. Whether you are at home or work you need to have a dedicated place for your keys. Now placing them on the entry table is not one that many will suggest. Many times when keys are placed on a flat surface, they’ll slide off easily when knocked by pets, kids, and other people making there way in. If you want to place them on a table where it is convenient to grab on your way out, have a key plate or bowl. This way it’s harder for them to slide off. Another suggestion is to hang them. Having a key rack is a great way to never your keys. You can find many clever ideas for key racks to make the design fit your home decor.
Residential, Commercial & Automotive Emergency Mobile Locksmith in Racine, Oak Creek, Burlington & Kenosha Wisconsin
Nothing can cause more stress them not being able to find your keys. Best Locksmith suggests you create a plan to help avoid losing the keys that we depend on to get through our everyday tasks. In the event you do lose your keys, or lock them in the car, Best Locksmith is here to help you! Contact us for all your locksmith needs.