More and more people are seeing the benefit to living alone rather than with roommates. This is a very exciting time, but it can also be an adjustment. If you have never lived alone before, you may feel hesitant and unsure about your safety. This is a valid concern when there isn’t anyone else to vouch for your safety in your home. Best Locksmiths is here to share some safety tips to those that live alone that will boost the security in your home, especially when you are a female.

Check Your House for Possible Security Risks

As you are getting settled in your new house or apartment, check the residence for any possible security risks. This may include a front door that need securing with a new reinforced door jamb and high quality deadbolt. You should also check all the lights on the exterior of your home to make sure the bulbs aren’t burnt out and need replacing. Along with the doors, you should check all of your windows and make sure you can shut them all and lock them to keep you safe. This is a great time to give your new place a good once over and perform a lock audit.

Meet Your Neighbors

You want to know the people that live around you. This doesn’t mean that you have to hang out all of the time, or become close friends, but you want to know who they are. They may be someone that can keep an eye out on your home while you are away or at least be aware of you and your safety.

Consider a Dog to Alert You to Burglars

A dog is a man’s best friend for a reason. They are great to let out a warning if they sense any danger. They can also deter any possible burglars that come creeping around. You don’t want to train your dog to be aggressive, but you do want them to bark when they sense danger or strangers are present. Getting a dog will make it less likely your home gets broken into.

Keep Your Curtains Closed to Prevent Home Break In

After the sun goes down, close your blinds or curtains. It is natural for the line of sight to be drawn to a window that has the lights on. When you don’t have your curtains closed, everyone on the outside can see right in. You don’t want everyone to know that you are alone, so it’s best if you keep your curtains drawn after dark.

Keep Vacations on the Down Low to Deter Burglars

When you leave town, don’t post all over social media about your travels. This is like advertising the fact that you aren’t home. If you are gone, don’t tell everyone you know. Also, ask your neighbors if they will keep an eye on your house, if you trust them.

Professional Residential, Commercial & Automotive Emergency Locksmith Services in Racine, Oak Creek, Burlington & Kenosha Wisconsin

If you live by yourself, the very first thing you want to do is upgrade your locks on your door. Most burglaries take place by someone breaking into your front door. You want this area of your home to be locked and secure. Best Locksmiths can help with any reinforcing that needs to be done to improve your locks. Contact us for more information today!